if you enjoy lifting outside of peloton classes, or you want to learn/build onto your current routine, feel free to jump in!!
this schedule will be 5 days of lifting per week. there are also peloton classes built in for walking, biking, core, yoga, stretching, and meditation.
if you have any questions along the way, there is a button at the bottom of this page to send me an email. please do so! ❤︎
this schedule will be 5 days of lifting per week. there are also peloton classes built in for walking, biking, core, yoga, stretching, and meditation.
if you have any questions along the way, there is a button at the bottom of this page to send me an email. please do so! ❤︎
✧ week one outline
✧ day 1-7 programming
below is a PDF download of the program. if you have any questions on the movements or any other questions/ comments/ ideas, shoot me an email below!